Tuesday, December 21, 2004

More Quizzes

Can't help it. Must click the quiz. Must post results.

find your element at mutedfaith.com.

Friday, December 17, 2004


Ok, I just had to put one more post after that last so the image doesn't eat my sidebar...we will see if I can make this work.

At least give me my profile!! :)

ok, so it won't. Sigh. Oh well.

Thursday, December 16, 2004


Ok, for all of you poor bastards who still have things to hand in/take, good luck. For me, I went to Coppers Corner last night and had a Copper Popper to celebrate my succesful passage through my first ever sememster of college. HA! I did it damn it! Now I just need to go over to that corner and sleep for 5 days. :) Merry Yule and all y'all.

Monday, December 13, 2004

Stupid Finals

Although I have enjoyed my first semester of college, I am really ready to graduate now. Sigh. This sucks. Oh well, wanted to let any of the three whole people who read this that I am still alive.

Monday, December 06, 2004

Sure a lot of people feel this

I am so ready for school to be done. I haven't looked forward to christmas break this much since I was a kid.

Thursday, December 02, 2004

WHEEEE!!!! New Toys

Ok, so I am sure by now that you all in Bloggerland have decided that I must be absolutely Bi-Polar. well....I could be. But my family kinda refrains from the whole men in white jackets thing...something about being labeled wrongly and medicated at dangerous levels. anywho! the point is that this is me, I am like this for real, and frankly I don't care if you think it is weird or I am a spaz. CUZ I AM. HA! anywho. ~big huge grins~ I am so excited! I got a mouse trail to work!!!! :):):) wheeeeee!!!!!!! *bouncybouncybouncy* lalalalalalalaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa! ahh, that feels better. Ok, thank you all for being so nice to me! :P have fun my bloggers! hahahaha!

Feeling Better...Or maybe just don't care...

Well, I am not sure if I am just apathetic or really feeling better, because I really should be working on my ten page final due in less than a week that I have but 2 pages written for, but I seem not to care much...This is gonna hurt later I think. anywho!! Ok so because she is awesome I think that everyone should check out HeroineGirl's blog. There is a LOT to read, but it is really really worth it. :) well everyone, I seem to be even less here than usual so I think I should let you go so that I can read this later and wonder what the hell I was thinking. Huh. Oh well, guess I will go try to concentrate on POLS. Ugh... What is American Democracy and Is it an Adequate Vehicle for Achieving the "Good Life"? What a question. Of course it is opinion, but you have to prove that your opinion is supported by facts and stuff. Wow, I just spent 3 whole minutes trying to figure out what facts was. I think I am ready for my vacation now. Thank god I don't do drugs anymore. Who knows how far gone I would be. Ohhh scary thought. Yup happy where am now. WHEEEEEE!!!! Ok, now I know for sure that I am gonna have to put a sorry post up after this one, but right now, eh, oh well. I care NOT! OKOKOK, let go of the keyboard! Give it up...GIVE IT! grrrrrrr......dfmsdkfartreweoe3p534o9t04ekrlwekrew;ld;sfaqkbmc,.... Ok bye now! I think I can get it gone..........

Tuesday, November 30, 2004


Ya know, some days i really really hate technology. gimmi back some good old fashion books for fun. DAMNIT anyhow. One of these days i will figure out what THE FUCK the blogroller thingy wants me to do and on that day i will post all the sites i think everyone else should visit. Untill then the only STUPID link i can make work is the pompus Blogroll Me! link. !#@%^&Q@%#^#@!#*@!(#_@!)$@^&@*$!%#@!&(_!!!! it all anyhow. stupid shit for brains i can be. GGGGGGGGRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR!!!!!! Now everyone feel sorry for my girlfriend because she gets to hear all this crap in person. You all can walk away, she stays and has to listen. BLEH!!!! Some days lemme tell ya. Stupid 10 page paper too. PBTH!

Monday, November 29, 2004

Twiddling my thumbs

*whistle*...Well. Seems like most my friends out there in bloggerland are still away for the holiday/catching up from it. No post readings for me. Sigh. oh well. Here is that poem I wrote that I threatened to post.

Sweet Coffee in a Bitter Moment

I sit, wrapped,

rapt in my seclusion.

Chatter, drowning,

droning into my music.

A shield between the world

and me.

My booth,

My bubble.

Lean into its plastic





I am

not alone


by the next booth.

Shaken, disturbed.


My bubble

My booth


My seclusion.

ok so it may be corny, but I was studying one late night when the guy behind me smacked into the booth and forced me out of my self imposed seclusion. anywho. There is a pic goes with this, trying to figure out how to post it. :) Now if this works, there is the picture I doodled to go along with the poem. I know, I can't draw for crap, but give me a break. :) My blog. damnit anyhow. ~big grin~ Sweet! Looks like it made it through! yay!

Saturday, November 27, 2004

And I'm Back

YAY! well that was fun, teh food was EXCELENT, and I think that I get along pretty good with the family. :) yay for me, hope everyone elses was as painless.

Tuesday, November 23, 2004

Turkey Day

Not a lot to say here, well there would be but I have only 10 min to get all my interneting in for 3 whole days...dont know if i will make it...must be strong...okay, but at least the girlfriend is being nice and asked where i wanted to go this year, and cuz her famdanily only meets at turkey day i was more than willing to go thata way. hehehe means MY famdamily gets HER for christmas and my b-day/new years. HAHAHAHA. ok anywho, happy happy every one. see ya on the other side of this break!

Thursday, November 18, 2004


Ok, I know I mentioned a poem or something, that has to wait for now. BTW, if anyone can get rid of this green sticky nasty fucking phlem in my chest and throat please please please save me? I feel like crap, i really should have taken one more day off, so much for feeling better. UGH UGH UGH!!!!!! I could just cry. I need to go back to bed!!! *sniffles* and if by any chance of some big brotherish type of tracking (or just a very determined blogger) you have noticed the amount of posting i have done today and are wondering why why why? it is because i have NO VOICE, i am trying to run a computer lab, and i just feel really really sorry for the people who have to try to listen to me from about 4inches away. I know sick breath sux. For these poor souls I ma really trying to talk away from them while still being able to be heard. Ugh. And my poor girlfriend...I gave her this crud back. (she says otherwise but she gave it to me first, i just gave it back.) But hey! At least she was smart enough to stay in bed.

Tuesday, November 16, 2004

Hello again world

So. I have been feeling like crap lately, how bout you? I hear the crud is going around again. *sigh* flu and cold season again. ooh well. But! I decided that it was high time that i Blog again! (btw, if this one makes no sense i reserve the right to blame my cold) *sniff, cough, hack* ugh. ok here goes. LALALALALA...oh yeah...wrong place... :) anywho....Hmmm. I watched part of Peter Pan (the newer one with....oh i don't know his name! Cap'n Dan from Forrest Gump) i really like the spin they took with that one. Watched it in theaters, not as captivating on the little screen, but what is? anywho, if you have not seen it and like fantasy at all you should rent/borrow/beg it from someone. :) good flick. ok anywho... lots of the ...'s in this one, sorry bout that all, kinda how my head is right now. Oh yeah! for the few of you who are nice enough to come back and read my stuff, especialy the ones who comment (coughthomascough) :) thank you very much and beware, i am not a great writer but once in a while a story or poem or something will squeeze its way out of my neural pathways and get to the paper stage. I have a poem currently that i was thinking of maybe throwing in here. so! beware, i may start usung this blog for my own enjoyment! (whispers in my ear - really? oh ok!) I have just been informed that this is SUPPOSED to be for my own enjoyment... so HA!! :) no, really, thank you all and have a good week.

Thursday, November 11, 2004

Ok, so i am still a little rusty

So...I was trying to change my profile pic and got my pic posted instead.. oh well, it looks good there so there it stays :)

This is me as the Mad Hatter

Why Thank You

I have gotten many comments on my Amber Alert tag, I just wanted to say that you all for noticing. It went into affect a few days ago, and the missing child was found and returned. However, the abducter is (last i knew) still at large. ANYWHO! If you want your very own Amber Alert tag, just click on mine and follow the simple instructions. I mean, c'mon! I made it work, so can you! :)

Tuesday, November 09, 2004

Just Cuz

Okay I really have nothing ot say here I just wanted to put in another post...yes yes, i am weird, no i dont care! now leave me alone i am trying to write a post here! *phew* sorry bout that, the little voices in my head didn't want to let me write this in peace. *sigh* although it is a bit lonely in there when they get all quiet because i have miffed them...well damn it. I ignore them and i still end up consumed by them *grrrrr!* (stomps off into the bloggersphere)

Monday, November 08, 2004


So. I seem to have lost my side bar? I dunno, Blogger has been being really weird...so, if things appear a bit off it is ok, I am probably trying to figure it out. Barring that I will post a help me please! :) anywho, if anyone has any ideas I am open to them. Thanks! -------- ok so there it is.... oddness abounds but i will leave this post for if it happens again.

Sunday, November 07, 2004

Jokes I found

This and more can be found at Jokes.com I thought it was funny as hell. World's Toughest Cowboy Three cowboys are sitting around a campfire, out on the lonesome prairie, each with the bravado for which cowboys are famous. A night of tall tales commences. The first says, "I must be the meanest, toughest cowboy there is. Why, just the other day, a bull got loose in the corral and gored six men before I wrestled it to the ground, by the horns, with my bare hands." The second chimes in, "Why that's nothing. I was walking down the trail yesterday and a fifteen foot rattler slid out from under a rock and made a move for me. I grabbed that snake with my bare hands, bit its head off, and sucked the poison down in one gulp. And I'm still here today." The third cowboy remained silent, slowly stirring the coals with his penis.


Ok, so since i know a lot of my friends who read this i am not gonna tramatize you all with why i am so happy today or why my unkymood patch is naughty...but i will say that i am mighty pissed at my noe which has decided to run like a faucet and itch like i have been romping in a pepper factory! ugh ugh ugh! well it seems to be drying up a little bit... hope it isnt some weird allergy...can't think of anything i have breatehd lately that is odd to me.. oh well here is hopin for it just to go away. :)

Saturday, November 06, 2004

Tests Suck

Ugh Ugh Ugh. I just handed in a take home essay test and did another test for a different class. Can I be done with school now? anywho, Just wanted to say hello to all you readers out there...I like to convince myself I am popular. :) hope everyone has a great weekend, me I am taking it off from school and very very little work. Have fun everyone!

Thursday, November 04, 2004

Beware, Political Rant Eminent-Updated Nov.4th @ 5:50PM

So, I just finished reading up with The Sloth and I decided that I had to put my two cents in. Or even a whole dollar. I don't have much time or patients right now so this is gonna come in instalments. I WAS NOT GOING TO VOTE! Ok? I thought it was a pointless, fruitless cause and only because my POLS teacher said hey 25 extra credit points if you can prove you are regitered to vote did I go out and do the thing. Then hell, I was registered, why the hell not say I helped to kick Bush out? Only it didn't happen that way. Everyone want to know a secret? I am just a big ol' bull dyke who is really really PISSED OFF right now. One, my right to marriage is being taken away, Two, I fear that Roe vs. Wade may be overturned so in the off chance that I ever (through whatever means be they rape of any sort or something drunkenly consenual because that has happened once or twice...always weird tho...hmmm, much prefer the women. MUCH!) become pregnant I wouldn't be able to control MY OWN BODY and give the soul back so that someone who COULD raise it would, Three, I keep hearing about my right to vote just floating out the window becuase I am a woman and Four, STUPID FUCKS are trying to tell people what they can and can not publish on their own blog. Yes, I believe in Freedom of Speech. Yes I understand you are entitled to your opinion. Yes if you want to post a degrading comment here I will be pissed, but I will not take away your birthday or any of your freedoms. HOWEVER! Publishing yourself as "America" and having the audacity to say "you're welcome, little Sloth. Perhaps some day you'll learn that we're not as ignorant, or bigoted, as you so arrogantly claim." IS JUST FUCKING BULLSHIT! Who the fuck is arrogant now? The country may have made the mistake of putting that imbicile BACK into office, but IF YOU NOTICE the real America (you know, the one OUTSIDE YOUR LITTLE WINDOW) DID NOT unanimously vote him in! Half the country voted for the other guy!!!! Ok, well I am just about ready to fucking explode so I think I am going to call it a day, if you feel the need keep checking back I am sure I will write more on this later. (wait, I said that in the intro huh.) _________________________________________________ Ok. So, now that I have had a bit of time to blow off some steam, and was kinda forced to leave this alone (blogger was being bad) I instead surfed around in blogville and I (of course) came upon a republican. But what he had to say made a little sense. I know i know! scary, huh? but they are people too, just people who have a different belief about some things. So, because I decided that he had at least shown SOME effort, so would I. And here is what I replied. I personally hate Bush, I am concerned for my own issues that I know he is against, but you are right. Just because he won it this time doesn't mean that anyone who voted for him is a dick, or any one who voted against him is a whiner. Dicks and Whiners proliferate amongst us all, they are not partisan! So I reach out as a non-Bush voter to you and say “hey, you won. I may not be happy with it, but damn. What a turn out we got this election eh? Maybe one at a time, step by step we can make it to a better more informed country. And then I will stop fearing for my rights.” so, how bout it? Will you shake the hand I offer you? I have not yet gotten a response to this, as soon as I do I will add it to this post. Right now I am so Damn tired (yes Damn with a capital D) that I am going to cut this a helluva lot shorter than originally intended. I don't know how many typos I have had to fix now! Ok, so anywho. Talk at you all laters, please take care, and remember. No matter how much you hate/love the current President (any of them at any time not just Bush) ranting, raving, getting pissed, getting scared, happy as hell, gloating, whatever, SO LONG AS IT HURTS NO-ONE it is all fairly normal. It is when we start to lash out at the real people (ya know the ones with feelings not the psychopaths) that we start to go wrong, and when it turns into a witch hunt that we have really fucked up. Ok I really hope that makes sense tomorrow when I have had some sleep. :)

Tuesday, November 02, 2004


So, it seems that you have found me! Congratulations. :) I had faith it would happen quickly.


Ok everyone, thank you ever so much for your patients and for not attempting to virtually kill me for the nasty words. I am back, everything is fine, I am not sure WHY it wasn't working, but it is being nice now, so cross your fingers, all is well. Oh yeah! Kitty update! My cat Peek-a-Boo (hey i got her when i was about three years old remember? I swear she named herself! she would play peek-a-boo with me and then one day i said come here Peek-a-Boo and she did, been callin her Peeks ever since) has gone into the hospital, the vet seemed to think that she has a really good chance of survival, so maybe she will live to be another few years old. She is about 20ish right now, so she is an old kitty. What is that, almost 100 in kitty years? anywho, the blog is better, i am better, we are all good and lets hope that doesn't happen again! :) thanks everyone. Take care and happy Voters day!

Sunday, October 31, 2004

PAGE WILL BE DOWN INDEFINITELY-Post not to be read by 18 and under

I have decreed this page to be a major pain in my ass. I just found out my cat (who I have had since I was 3 FUCKING YEARS OLD is dying of liver failure and if I only had the money I could save her life, or at least have her put down, but I am too fucking poor for either and so is my family, got my fingers rolled up into a window, can't seem to avoid shocking myself in places that already hurt, and to top it all off this piece of shit I write to as you read is being the biggest pain in my fucking ass I have ever met. SO! In an attempt to KEEP the stupid thing, this page will be unedited for who the fuck knows how long. If you know who this is and you think you can help, please contact me in person. Thank you, have a nice life.


My poor aching head. I really should have stopped after 2 beers, 2 bacardi Raz and 1 pina colada. The other 4..5? Maybe 6. No no, that was the homeade brew my friend makes. So 5 pina coladas. ugh. But it tasted so good! And earlier that night I had made a small offering of my brew to the wee ones and the spirit world and so was not really feeling the alcohol anyway. Apparently the Faries had deemed me worthy enough to fall into their dubious protections off and on. So I felt really really good all night but when the party was over I came down hard. For those of you who are unfamiliar with the Fey and their realm, "let me sum up"; some of the most potent alcoholic spirits reside there, because Faries really can't feel it- something about their make-up just won't get drunk except in special cases- and they run in a different time circle then we do. So, you can visit the Fey for an hour and when you come back a day has past, or you could stay for days and not but a minute has gone by in your world. I was in the latter time zone, not much time spent missing, much fun had outside. People did seem to notice my jumps and starts tho. I would be mostly sober one minute and one swig later was definitely feeling it. This is unusual for me, most the time you can tell I am on my way before I get there. But most of my friends have had sojurns of their own, so not much attention was payed. I was having fun, they were having fun, what more did we need. Maybe some water. That would have been smart. Oh well! :D

Saturday, October 30, 2004


I must say that I am having fun with this even with the lack of replies, seems I like to hear the sound of my own voice. Huh. Oh well, have a Happy Holiday everyone!

Profile Crap

Ok if you would all be so kind as to assist me in this attempt, click this link http://profiles.yahoo.com/sk73nek and tell me if you get a profile for me or not. Either way, please leave a comment here on my blog. I will be indebted to you, thank you!

Happy Samhain!

My faorite holiday, when i can dress up as myself and no one know the difference! MWAHAHAHA! So, how will YOU scare the kiddies this year?

Well then

As soon as I can get Yahoo! to agree with me I will have my Yahoo! Profile running again, thanks for your patients AGAIN!

Friday, October 29, 2004

Welcome To My Blog

Hi, this is for all those people out there who were curious enough to come visit me. This is going to be a very stilted blog until I get going, so please bear with me and keep checking. I think this is gonna be a lot of fun, so lets see how the ride goes. And remember, the ride isn't over until the conductor gets off. :-)