Tuesday, November 16, 2004
Hello again world
So. I have been feeling like crap lately, how bout you? I hear the crud is going around again. *sigh* flu and cold season again. ooh well. But! I decided that it was high time that i Blog again! (btw, if this one makes no sense i reserve the right to blame my cold) *sniff, cough, hack* ugh. ok here goes. LALALALALA...oh yeah...wrong place... :) anywho....Hmmm. I watched part of Peter Pan (the newer one with....oh i don't know his name! Cap'n Dan from Forrest Gump) i really like the spin they took with that one. Watched it in theaters, not as captivating on the little screen, but what is? anywho, if you have not seen it and like fantasy at all you should rent/borrow/beg it from someone. :) good flick. ok anywho... lots of the ...'s in this one, sorry bout that all, kinda how my head is right now. Oh yeah! for the few of you who are nice enough to come back and read my stuff, especialy the ones who comment (coughthomascough) :) thank you very much and beware, i am not a great writer but once in a while a story or poem or something will squeeze its way out of my neural pathways and get to the paper stage. I have a poem currently that i was thinking of maybe throwing in here. so! beware, i may start usung this blog for my own enjoyment! (whispers in my ear - really? oh ok!) I have just been informed that this is SUPPOSED to be for my own enjoyment... so HA!! :) no, really, thank you all and have a good week.