Thursday, November 04, 2004
Beware, Political Rant Eminent-Updated Nov.4th @ 5:50PM
So, I just finished reading up with The Sloth and I decided that I had to put my two cents in. Or even a whole dollar. I don't have much time or patients right now so this is gonna come in instalments. I WAS NOT GOING TO VOTE! Ok? I thought it was a pointless, fruitless cause and only because my POLS teacher said hey 25 extra credit points if you can prove you are regitered to vote did I go out and do the thing. Then hell, I was registered, why the hell not say I helped to kick Bush out? Only it didn't happen that way. Everyone want to know a secret? I am just a big ol' bull dyke who is really really PISSED OFF right now. One, my right to marriage is being taken away, Two, I fear that Roe vs. Wade may be overturned so in the off chance that I ever (through whatever means be they rape of any sort or something drunkenly consenual because that has happened once or twice...always weird tho...hmmm, much prefer the women. MUCH!) become pregnant I wouldn't be able to control MY OWN BODY and give the soul back so that someone who COULD raise it would, Three, I keep hearing about my right to vote just floating out the window becuase I am a woman and Four, STUPID FUCKS are trying to tell people what they can and can not publish on their own blog. Yes, I believe in Freedom of Speech. Yes I understand you are entitled to your opinion. Yes if you want to post a degrading comment here I will be pissed, but I will not take away your birthday or any of your freedoms. HOWEVER! Publishing yourself as "America" and having the audacity to say "you're welcome, little Sloth. Perhaps some day you'll learn that we're not as ignorant, or bigoted, as you so arrogantly claim." IS JUST FUCKING BULLSHIT! Who the fuck is arrogant now? The country may have made the mistake of putting that imbicile BACK into office, but IF YOU NOTICE the real America (you know, the one OUTSIDE YOUR LITTLE WINDOW) DID NOT unanimously vote him in! Half the country voted for the other guy!!!! Ok, well I am just about ready to fucking explode so I think I am going to call it a day, if you feel the need keep checking back I am sure I will write more on this later. (wait, I said that in the intro huh.)
Ok. So, now that I have had a bit of time to blow off some steam, and was kinda forced to leave this alone (blogger was being bad) I instead surfed around in blogville and I (of course) came upon a republican. But what he had to say made a little sense. I know i know! scary, huh? but they are people too, just people who have a different belief about some things. So, because I decided that he had at least shown SOME effort, so would I. And here is what I replied.
I personally hate Bush, I am concerned for my own issues that I know he is against, but you are right. Just because he won it this time doesn't mean that anyone who voted for him is a dick, or any one who voted against him is a whiner. Dicks and Whiners proliferate amongst us all, they are not partisan! So I reach out as a non-Bush voter to you and say “hey, you won. I may not be happy with it, but damn. What a turn out we got this election eh? Maybe one at a time, step by step we can make it to a better more informed country. And then I will stop fearing for my rights.” so, how bout it? Will you shake the hand I offer you?
I have not yet gotten a response to this, as soon as I do I will add it to this post. Right now I am so Damn tired (yes Damn with a capital D) that I am going to cut this a helluva lot shorter than originally intended. I don't know how many typos I have had to fix now! Ok, so anywho. Talk at you all laters, please take care, and remember. No matter how much you hate/love the current President (any of them at any time not just Bush) ranting, raving, getting pissed, getting scared, happy as hell, gloating, whatever, SO LONG AS IT HURTS NO-ONE it is all fairly normal. It is when we start to lash out at the real people (ya know the ones with feelings not the psychopaths) that we start to go wrong, and when it turns into a witch hunt that we have really fucked up. Ok I really hope that makes sense tomorrow when I have had some sleep. :)