Tuesday, November 02, 2004
Ok everyone, thank you ever so much for your patients and for not attempting to virtually kill me for the nasty words. I am back, everything is fine, I am not sure WHY it wasn't working, but it is being nice now, so cross your fingers, all is well. Oh yeah! Kitty update! My cat Peek-a-Boo (hey i got her when i was about three years old remember? I swear she named herself! she would play peek-a-boo with me and then one day i said come here Peek-a-Boo and she did, been callin her Peeks ever since) has gone into the hospital, the vet seemed to think that she has a really good chance of survival, so maybe she will live to be another few years old. She is about 20ish right now, so she is an old kitty. What is that, almost 100 in kitty years? anywho, the blog is better, i am better, we are all good and lets hope that doesn't happen again! :) thanks everyone. Take care and happy Voters day!