Sunday, October 31, 2004


My poor aching head. I really should have stopped after 2 beers, 2 bacardi Raz and 1 pina colada. The other 4..5? Maybe 6. No no, that was the homeade brew my friend makes. So 5 pina coladas. ugh. But it tasted so good! And earlier that night I had made a small offering of my brew to the wee ones and the spirit world and so was not really feeling the alcohol anyway. Apparently the Faries had deemed me worthy enough to fall into their dubious protections off and on. So I felt really really good all night but when the party was over I came down hard. For those of you who are unfamiliar with the Fey and their realm, "let me sum up"; some of the most potent alcoholic spirits reside there, because Faries really can't feel it- something about their make-up just won't get drunk except in special cases- and they run in a different time circle then we do. So, you can visit the Fey for an hour and when you come back a day has past, or you could stay for days and not but a minute has gone by in your world. I was in the latter time zone, not much time spent missing, much fun had outside. People did seem to notice my jumps and starts tho. I would be mostly sober one minute and one swig later was definitely feeling it. This is unusual for me, most the time you can tell I am on my way before I get there. But most of my friends have had sojurns of their own, so not much attention was payed. I was having fun, they were having fun, what more did we need. Maybe some water. That would have been smart. Oh well! :D