Wednesday, March 23, 2005

Ok so I am trying this again

Bear with me, trying to get my photo to load right. With any luck I will have a pic of my face to put up~well, here is hoping.

Friday, March 18, 2005


Ok, so I am having some trouble with my pic...But hey, when am I NOT having trouble with something on this site! :)

Thursday, March 17, 2005

Stupid Pics of me to come

Not the smartest thing I have ever done...Blond just really isn't me!

Wednesday, March 16, 2005

Well, what did I expect.

I was just scrolling through my blog here, and I realized that no-one comments very often. The other people that I follow are quite often commented to. This made me sad, then I thought about it. Maybe if I actually posted more than once a month, but not 20 times a day, I would get comments! Hey, I can dream!

Monday, March 14, 2005

For all those Lurkers out there...Try this for me.

I know that many people have suggested this, but it is a good idea anyhow. To get a taste of what it is like for the LGBT community, for at least ONE day, do NOT speak about your hetero-partner in terms of "husband, wife, boyfriend, girlfriend," etc. Instead, cut them out of your day-to-day life. They are now your "partner, roommate, friend," etc. Don't show overt affection to them in public places, remember, that kind of thing may get you beat within an inch of your life. If you want to go for a week or so it will really give you an idea, but at least try it. Just for a day. Think about how much they mean to you, and think about never being able to say that to people until you have "sounded them out" until you KNOW that they are "friendly." Even if you are between relationships, create a "dummy" partner. maybe just use a really good friend. I just want you to know how it feels when I am walking through the supermarket and my girlfriend won't hold my hand because she has seen someone that makes her uncomfortable. I just want you to know how it feels when I can't talk to my own mother because she is not comfortable with details that she would rush to hear were I straight. I just want you to KNOW. But above all, I just want you to know that I thank you for trying.

Saturday, March 05, 2005

Ah, I see you are still alive.

Why yes, yes I am. Sometimes I think only barely, but hey, that is better than nothing, right? So, I see that my pic showed up...Interesting how I seem to be both JFK and Hitler. Or that is what it said the second time I took the test trying to see my picture. Interesting, eh? Anywho. Just making sure I am still here.