Tuesday, December 21, 2004

More Quizzes

Can't help it. Must click the quiz. Must post results.

find your element at mutedfaith.com.

Friday, December 17, 2004


Ok, I just had to put one more post after that last so the image doesn't eat my sidebar...we will see if I can make this work.

At least give me my profile!! :)

ok, so it won't. Sigh. Oh well.

Thursday, December 16, 2004


Ok, for all of you poor bastards who still have things to hand in/take, good luck. For me, I went to Coppers Corner last night and had a Copper Popper to celebrate my succesful passage through my first ever sememster of college. HA! I did it damn it! Now I just need to go over to that corner and sleep for 5 days. :) Merry Yule and all y'all.

Monday, December 13, 2004

Stupid Finals

Although I have enjoyed my first semester of college, I am really ready to graduate now. Sigh. This sucks. Oh well, wanted to let any of the three whole people who read this that I am still alive.

Monday, December 06, 2004

Sure a lot of people feel this

I am so ready for school to be done. I haven't looked forward to christmas break this much since I was a kid.

Thursday, December 02, 2004

WHEEEE!!!! New Toys

Ok, so I am sure by now that you all in Bloggerland have decided that I must be absolutely Bi-Polar. well....I could be. But my family kinda refrains from the whole men in white jackets thing...something about being labeled wrongly and medicated at dangerous levels. anywho! the point is that this is me, I am like this for real, and frankly I don't care if you think it is weird or I am a spaz. CUZ I AM. HA! anywho. ~big huge grins~ I am so excited! I got a mouse trail to work!!!! :):):) wheeeeee!!!!!!! *bouncybouncybouncy* lalalalalalalaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa! ahh, that feels better. Ok, thank you all for being so nice to me! :P have fun my bloggers! hahahaha!

Feeling Better...Or maybe just don't care...

Well, I am not sure if I am just apathetic or really feeling better, because I really should be working on my ten page final due in less than a week that I have but 2 pages written for, but I seem not to care much...This is gonna hurt later I think. anywho!! Ok so because she is awesome I think that everyone should check out HeroineGirl's blog. There is a LOT to read, but it is really really worth it. :) well everyone, I seem to be even less here than usual so I think I should let you go so that I can read this later and wonder what the hell I was thinking. Huh. Oh well, guess I will go try to concentrate on POLS. Ugh... What is American Democracy and Is it an Adequate Vehicle for Achieving the "Good Life"? What a question. Of course it is opinion, but you have to prove that your opinion is supported by facts and stuff. Wow, I just spent 3 whole minutes trying to figure out what facts was. I think I am ready for my vacation now. Thank god I don't do drugs anymore. Who knows how far gone I would be. Ohhh scary thought. Yup happy where am now. WHEEEEEE!!!! Ok, now I know for sure that I am gonna have to put a sorry post up after this one, but right now, eh, oh well. I care NOT! OKOKOK, let go of the keyboard! Give it up...GIVE IT! grrrrrrr......dfmsdkfartreweoe3p534o9t04ekrlwekrew;ld;sfaqkbmc,.... Ok bye now! I think I can get it gone..........